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  • 散 文 结 构 决定了选题以后,下一步应该从整体上对散文进行一个规划。在考虑散文的结构的时候,有三个要点一定要放在心上。 一是要保持结构清晰。结构混乱的散文对阅读者来说简直就是一场灾难,如果不能做到这一点的话
  • 下面是一些常用的散文题材: ★ 个人的成长经历 这也许是最常见的一个选题了,因为它确实触及到了个人陈述这样的一份申请材料的本质--帮助录取委员会了解申请者的个性和特质。有时学校也会有目的性地出一些命题的散文,例
  • 在所有需要申请者自己书写的申请材料中,个人陈述(就是日常所说的PS)历来是被认为最为重要但是最为难写的一项。在一般的概念里,PS就是一篇陈述个人学术背景、学业成就以及将来职业目标的文章。应该说,用这样一句话来定义
  • 08 Fall套磁形势变化的分析与总结 引言 在写这个话题之前,我在Google和Baidu查了一下“套磁”和“套词”这两个(虽然也有用“陶瓷”的,但是这应该属于网络习惯性笔误,所以我没有放在考察之中)大家对这项申请中的工作
  • The first semester of Mrs. Grant’s tenth-grade Latin class was devoted to vocabulary memorization and sentence completion, leaving me with memories of chiming, “Matella est mater. Flavius est pater.” Although I had never studied a foreign language before, I remember thinking,
  • [Prompt: Describe a meaningful cross-cultural experience you have had that highlights your awareness, understanding and appreciation of interaction with people from diverse backgrounds in a business setting.] Shake hands at the beginning and end of every social or business meeti
  • [Prompt: Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at Kellogg.] My aspirations to become a businesswoman began when, as a little girl, I begged my mother to buy me a doll. She refused and
  • Since the release of Rachel Carson’ s Silent Spring in the 1960’ s, mankind has expanded its quest to come to grips with the competing virtues of human economic entropy and of maintaining the integrity and diversity of the natural environment. As awareness of environmental deg
  • The Second Language Teaching The first semester of Mrs. Grant’s tenth-grade Latin class was devoted to vocabulary memorization and sentence completion, leaving me with memories of chiming, “Matella est mater. Flavius est pater.” Although I had never studied a foreign language
  • Life When a pod of 55 pilot whales recently beached themselves on a stretch of Cape Cod, vacationers and beach-goers came to the rescue. By high tide, they managed to save 46 whales. In explaining his motivation for jumping in to help, one volunteer simply answered, “Life.” Th
  • Seasons There is one Haitian proverb that has never lost its potency, despite the atmosphere of economic adversity, numerous civil wars, and political unrest: “Piti, piti, wazo fe nich li.” Literally, the phrase means, “Little by little, the bird builds its nest”; figurative
  • Special Needs Pediatrics The first time I met Carla, she was sitting on the floor alone in the middle of the lunchroom while the rest of her cabin played outside. Carla was a frizzy-haired 11-year-old girl with autism. It was her first time away from home, and she was struggling