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  • Essay 2 Please describe the unique contribution that you can make to the educational experience of the other members of the MBA class. (500 words) As a native of the Chinese mainland, I have experienced first-hand the tremendous changes that have occurred in China since the open
  • Essay 3 Describe the most significant lesson you have learned in your full-time employment and how this influenced your personal development and career aspirations. (500 words) The most significant lesson that I have learned during my career is that while there may be no substit
  • 一、 学习动机和目的类: 1. What educational and personal objectives do you hope to satisfy through the MBA program? (Stanford) 2. What type and level of work do you expect to be engaged in five or ten years now? (Stanford) 3. Why do you wish to pursue an MBA degree from Harva
  • (This applicant puts his youthful academic difficulties in a context of developing determination, discipline, success, and breadth. ) The lights dimmed; the crowd began to hush. As I walked onto the stage, I saw that the club was packed with people. The butterflies in my stomach
  • Personal Background Everyone was Korean in Seoul. No one was Korean in Prichard. Motorcycles and mopeds crammed Seouls roads. Trees and flowers lined Prichards streets. In cosmopolitan Seoul, I was a favorite son showered with attention from a large circle of extended family. In
  • Please give a brief evaluation of yourself as a leader. Becoming a leader in the business world has been my goal since high school. In order to succeed at any goal, one must first find a path to reach the goal, and then embark on that path. My path to becoming a leader began in
  • - Awkward English Praise The below edit earned this comment from the customer: I am so glad to hear from you this quick. The efficiency amazed me with such short time. I have to give you my most sincere thanks from my heart. Well, Thank You again, and may the best luck be with y
  • 很多商学院在招生时都会有要求申请者写essays,其中很常见的就是“Describe your most substantial accomplishments”。这样的题目就是要求申请者写出自己认为最值得自豪的成就。但是在描述这样的成就时要注意到以下两点
  • 一.引言 MBA文书的优缺点话题给了申请者一个集中的机会去展现他们对于自己的了解。写这类型文章的时候很重要的一点就是坦白直率,做到既不过于谦虚也不至于太过浮夸。不要以描述自己的缺点为耻,但是要很诚恳。对于很多申
  • 即便你的分数、专业、志向、个性、兴趣、经历、工作岗位等背景乍看上去都比较一般,你也要知道,这些因素在每一个人身上的组合是不一样的;即便组合一样,每一个人的内心感受也是不同的。你要做的,是严肃、认真并全面地审视自
  • 论文(Essays): 许多人在申请的过程中经常会问到:申请过程中什么最重要?什么都重要,但是最最最重要的就是 Essays (论文)了。前文讲到,论文的质量直接决定了申请的结果,所以申请人一定要花最大的工夫来写这些论文。
  • 推荐信(Recommendation Letters): 推荐信也是申请中必不可少的材料,由于现在网络发达,多数学校都要求申请人最好能让推荐人网上递交推荐信。有的学校只接受网上的推荐信,有的学校同时也接受普通的邮递推荐信, 具体请