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  • 展示你的独特性 在申请就读MBA的过程中最重要的文件就是essays。Top B-School录取的标准有这么几项:有份量的工作经验、优异的GMAT成绩和出色的essays。若是你已经达到了700分以上或是接近700分,那么你就应该花大力气把短
  • Dentistry Ever since childhood I have enjoyed working with my hands. Whether as an eight year- old gluing together a model car or an adolescent assembling a bookshelf in woodworking class, I thrived on the challenges of precise and meticulous tasks. Throughout high school I have
  • My mother is back. For two and a half years, she has been tucked away in a place where those more fortunate have never ventured. The woman who returned bears only a slight resemblance to the person I knew before her departure. Even though she is the same person, something terrib
  • As I sat in a dark, windowless imaging lab, clicking away at the human brain images in front of me, my eyes wandered to the thin network cable leaving my computer and disappearing into the wall. I glanced back at the MRI images in front of me. They displayed the architecture of
  • I met Erika two years ago. Erika grew up in a provincial Mexican town called Leon. According to the regions conservative customs, women are expected to marry and serve their husbands. Practically all women there accept their fate; Erika is one notable exception. Rebelling agains
  • Special Needs Pediatrics The first time I met Carla, she was sitting on the floor alone in the middle of the lunchroom while the rest of her cabin played outside. Carla was a frizzy-haired 11-year-old girl with autism. It was her first time away from home, and she was struggling
  • 工程师不必写得一手好文章? 许多人认为申请工科的学生,作文不用写得好,因为在其他方面的技能可以补偿沟通能力的不足。这个想法,完全错估了在申请书中写一篇成功的自传的重要性。当然,工科学生的用字遣词,不必像销售经
  • I plan to begin my Ph. D. Degree study in your Biophysics program in the fall term of 1995 and wish to obtain the degree within five years or so . Biophysics develops fast with the fruits of modern physics and chemistry. There is a wide range of fascinating questions in understa
  • 挖掘各学校的个性特色和教育理念,来看“适合”在招生工作中的作用,这也是我们写WHY ESSAY的原则。随着ED截止日期的临近,好多申请者也在忙着填网申和WHY ESSAY的写作,往年接触的学生在写WHY ESSAY时都是写学校如何如何
  • 经过一再地思考,您是否终于决定出国完成学业了? 身为亚洲学生,要如何才能让评审委员了解您入学意愿和理由呢?没错,写申论题是个绝佳的机会。您可以在申论题里提到,自己会如何运用不同文化背景,让校内其它同学的学习体
  • 又到一年申请时。把自己去年的一些心得在这里分享一下。先说PS好了。 最好当然还是原创啦,呵呵,废话。有些人会想要写很“漂亮”的PS,大概就是说要写得像是出自native speaker之手。个人认为是大可不必的,真实点可能更
  • 需要注意的几点: 最基本的仍然是要注意使用具体的细节来进行描述,引入故事本身的目的就是期望借用事实证据来支持你的观点,如果在叙述时也很笼统,那么是达不到这一效果的。使用一个具体的事例可以达到的使读者对你的了解