下面是一所学校的Guide Line: The first paragraph of your personal statement, one or two sentences, should make clear the purpose of your writing: to present an interpretive summary of your background, academic interests, and future goals as justification for your admission to a
Youre sitting in front of the computer screen. Your word processing program is open, but the screen is blank. Youve been staring at it for what seems like an eternity. You dont know where to start or where to go. What are they looking for? How are you supposed to write it? The c
Make It Personal! When I lecture about writing personal statements, I perform the following experiment: I ask my audience four or five general, superficial questions about their backgrounds and goals and ask for a show of hands. For example, "How many of you feel your courses ha
I took some time to read your statement. Its telling. Anyway, I talked with the chair of our department today and asked about his opinion on what he expects one to be. He gave me a few points: First, you need to show why youre interested in biology. It could be just a brief hist
PS,是英语personal statement的简称,即个人陈述。说得通俗一点,它就是我们向外国的学校"推销"自己的推销书。它是申请材料中最重要的内容之一。之所以重要,是因为国外的教授们要通过PS来了解其他申请材料中没有表现出来
怎样在PS中写出漂亮的句子?"--抽象名词的力量 近几年来,随着文书写作在留学申请中的重要性逐渐被大家认识,这样一个事实也渐渐浮出水面--一篇逻辑不通、语言混乱的申请信能使背景很强分数很高的申请者连一封录取信都拿不
Introduction Writing a good personal statement is an important part of any application to graduate or professional school. The personal statement not only shows the admissions committee that you can write an interesting, cohesive essay, but it also allows them to learn about you
在美国印第安纳大学英语训练中心当任助理教授的布鲁斯利兹博士,为研究申请者解答应怎样开始应付写作 。讨论题目有: 1. 我需要多长时间写一份完善的个人声明 (personal statement)? 2. 我怎么开始写呢? 3. 我的
有时管院和商学院并无区别,只是各个学校叫法不同。 商学院的专业设置主要由以下几点值得注意: (1) 大的商学院往往有系别,不同的系有不同的联系人。小的商学院则设置方向,没有具体的系,具体联系人则有可能一个或是不
作为留学申请材料中唯一能反映申请者学习动机、专业背景和个人素质的材料,自述信(Personal Statement)和简历(CV或Resume)毫无疑问是申请中最重要的一个部分,也是美国学校录取委员会的教授重点考察的一个部分。可以说,申
做点贡献,我也来谈谈申请中的几个问题。 前些天系里面的本科生做了一个活动,邀请了三个系里面的教授和一些研究生给本科生谈谈如何申请研究生院,因为我们系是教授直接负责招生的,所以当时的一些看法还是很多代表性的,典