Columbia University Graduate School of Business Associate Dean for Admissions and Administration 录取过程既是主观的,同时又是对申请人的客观评价。由于我们在选择那些可能真正成为商务领导的人才,在招
I majored in Biomedical Engineering at Nankai University after graduating from high school. There, I took courses on Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Programming, and Microprocessor. Therefore, I became greatly interested in the field. In my spare time, I attended BASI
After my undergraduate study at Hebei University where I majored in Economics. I became a sales representative for Tang Shan Textile Co. I have worked in this position for about three years. In my work, I have witnessed the growing role played by computers in todays business adm
Excited by the idea of becoming a scientist since I was a small child, my interests in pursuing graduate studies intensified during my undergraduate education and my research experience. Rather than discouraging me with the tremendous amount of work and demands for creativity, m
Ever since I was a young boy, I have enjoyed reading, for it provides me the opportunity to contemplate various inner thoughts and ideas, as well as plan my strategy to face and succeed in such a complex and diverse world. Whenever I encounter difficulties or obstacles, my first
PS典型错误之一: 我们在服务中发现大量申请人在PS中讲故事,最为典型的第一段是:我小时候受了什么启发 或者指导,或者来自父亲母亲或者来自老师朋友,于是开始对某某学科感兴趣。这让我们哭 笑不得。我们在美国所见到的
我看了申请文书中的PS,怎么觉得有些跟个散文似的?而且写得老长,人家有些要求500字就够了,打印出来两页不到是最好的,不用写那长,没用,人家看着烦。附件里是 MSU的 PS官方格式要求,希望对大家有帮助。其实我想也许每
1.Berkeley for graduate fellowship Please provide a statement about your personal history and your intellectual development. This statement can include a discussion of educational and cultural opportunities (or lack of them), family background, specia linterests and abilities, an
以下均算是同样的文件: 1. Statement of Purpose 2. Personal Statement 3. Statement of Objectives 4. Personal Letter 5. Planning on Study 6. Sdudying Plan 此有别于: 1. Resume 2. Curri
读书计划 读书计划的内容应包含下列三项资料: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景 (二)欲研究的方向 (三)未来的职业目标 写作时,依以上三点将文章分为三段。不要像列清单,也不要重覆申请表格已有的资料。 注意
下面是一所学校的Guide Line: In view of the relatively poor quality of the study plan we received in the past years, the department decides to offer more concrete guidelines to help applicants writing their study plans. The intention is to tell applicants what the department is