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您的位置:首页 > 留学攻略 > 留学申请_申请流程_申请条件_申请时间-博实乐万佳留学
  • I am applying to (Name of School) for the Masters of Social Work program. My career goal is to work with underprivileged adolescents, especially those with a history of behavioral and emotional problems. I have significant background in this area; in addition to a full-time posi
  • Program: MA in Writing Studies Through six years of teaching experience in the public schools, nothing has proved more challenging and intriguing to me than the teaching of writing. My experience in writing instruction has led me to two principal areas which I desire to research
  • Program: MA in English It all started with The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, the one poem I could quote from the hundreds I read in a year-long freshman survey of Western Heritage Literature. What made it stand out in my mind? Everything that made the poem modern: the juxtapo
  • Program: MS in Computer Science I grew up in Oscar, Ohio, where I attended Pleasant Meadows High School, a nationally recognized college preparatory institution. Pleasant Meadows is a public school which all academically inclined students throughout the city can attend if they m
  • 1. 关于标点 逗号comma:注意,我们这里使用的是半角逗号,不是全角逗号,。在英文中是极少使用全角字符的。逗号后要空一格,不过大多数时候Word会自动帮你空好这一格。如果是使用机械打字机打印PS的同学,这里要特别注意
  • 美国大学研究生院入学申请材料中的个人陈述(PERSONAL STATEMENTS)无疑是申请人向学校推荐自己的最好机会。然而这关键的一步却令许多申请人不知从何落笔。现向大家介绍书写个人陈述过程中的十要十不要,请记住这二十条,申请
  • 一般来讲,校方在申请高峰期每天要阅读数百名申请者的材料,平均下来,每套材料的阅读时间只有不到十分钟的时间,有的甚至更短。我们团队有几个人因为家离要申请的学校不远,因此他们自己申请的时候曾经亲自到过学校。每位老
  • 战略 研究!研究!再研究! (1) 研究你所申请的学校。大部分学校会给你提供一本小册子告诉你校方对申请者的要求。与该所学校的研究生和你所知的就读该校的人交谈,充分利用学校的校友会组织与研究生们建立关系,与学校
  • 标点符号虽然小,惹出事情真不少。因为用错了标点符号或是点错地方而造成的歧异和纠纷也不少。这次我们就来看看标点符号都该怎么用吧。 1. 句号 Period [.] 用以表示一个句子的结束: Hockey is a popular sport
  • 美国学校处理申请材料的一般流程 Our decision making process will begin in February. At that time we will nominate students who qualify for fellowship awards from the University. At the beginning of March we will select a second group of students who qualify for Departmental fello
  • 1. 自荐信(Personal Statement)其中包括Motivation, Qualifications, Character 以及专业选择这几大部分写作技巧。 2. 推荐信(Reference letters)。 3. MBA文章(Answers to Essay questions) 4. 简历(
  • 1.没有足够重视个人陈述和入学申请的重要性; 2.低估撰写文书应花的时间和难度; 3.临阵磨枪; 4.试图多人集体共同创作; 5.提交一份大众化的个人陈述; 6.充满陈词滥调; 7.提交一份未能反映你的成熟与稳重的文书;