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  • 换位思考是一个管理学的名词,主要意思是在进行工作的过程中,需要把自己放到别人的角度上来考虑问题,进行决策。在留学申请的过程中,我认为换位思考是一个很重要的工作策略。大家不要把思路和想法都局限到自己的小世界里面
  • 近几年来,随着文书写作在留学申请中的重要性逐渐被大家认识,这样一个事实也渐渐浮出水面--一篇逻辑不通、语言混乱的申请信能使背景很强分数很高的申请者连一封录取信都拿不到,而一套精心制作、文采飞扬的申请材料能够使背
  • 青海某大学一个学经济的女生有过一段不寻常的经历。她通过因特网和一个美国女孩做笔友,前后长达七年之久。到她大学一年级读完,对方邀请她去美国相聚,其父母慷慨地表示要承担全部费用。这个跨国友情是如此不寻常,以致于挑
  • Dear Colleagues: I am Head of the Department of International Finance in the school of Economics at the Tsinghua University, perhaps the most prestigious university in China, and I am writing to recommend Mr. Hui Buhui, one of my favorite students, for acceptance into your Maste
  • Dear Sir or Madam: Once a designer of the Duetch Design Company (Netherlands), I am the youngest professor of Graphic Design at the Central Academy of Art and Design, the leading higher-learning institution of its kind in China. I now take the pleasure to recommend to you a prom
  • To whom it may concern, Please accept my recommendation for a young man , in my opinion, who enjoys a unique enthusiasm for and ability in the study of law. In all facets of Fu-ping Wangs record, from his academic to extracurricular to community work, I think the academic commit
  • Li Li Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, 100080 P. R. China Dean School of Graduate Studies and Research Dear Colleagues: Mr. Ren Ren requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for graduate studies at your university. As his research adviser when he was
  • 推荐信的基本结构(三段式): 第一段:你应该开门见山地介绍一下你所推荐的这个人的能力和你对他的熟悉达到什么程度。如果被推荐的人是你的一个雇员或合作者,你有必要先介绍一下被推荐人担任的职务,他个人在任中出色完成
  • Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing with pleasure to recommend Mr. Li Guofang for acceptance into your graduate program. I have been acquainted with Mr. Li since he joined the NUDT (National University of Defense Technology) in 1992. As the chairperson of the Student Affairs Committee,
  • From: Jiao Shou Department of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHS University of Science and Technology Hefei, Anhui 230026 P. R. China July 1,1998 Dear Sir or Madam: I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished
  • University of International Business and Economics Beijing 100029, P. R. China Sept. 28, 1998 Dear colleagues: This is to recommend Ms. Shan Shan, a graduate from this universitys department of International Business Management, for acceptance into your MBA program. I have known
  • 推荐信的准备过程,因人而异。运气好的人,只要准备好自己的修课成绩、读书计划、以及申请学校所提供之推荐信表格及信封(或自己准备及缮打好的信封)等相关资料交给推荐者即可。推荐者在看完你的资料後,就帮你撰写一封完整