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  • For the past two and a half years, I have been a professional in the technology field, but now I am preparing to become a professional corporate information officer. Although my work has introduced me to specific areas of information technology, (including telecommunications, ne
  • Every day after school, I would take the bus to my grandfather’s medical office. There, my “papa” would allow me to fill syringes and sterilize instruments for him. In return, I had the chance to observe the compassion he showed toward his patients, as I gained exposure to me
  • As I peered into the cavernous incision in the dead mans chest, I marveled at the intricate network of arteries and veins connected to his silent heart. More than sparking my interest, however, this experience engraved the patterns of organs, nerves, muscles, and bones in my min
  • [Prompt: What sort of work did you do (include summer employment)?] For the past seven years, I have worked at Bio Nuclear Diagnostics Inc (BND), where I learned about the business aspects of medicine. My contribution to the development of new ideas for the improvement of existi
  • “Women aren’t suited for such hard subjects,” my friend Seung-woo told me with a smug smile. Seung-woo didn’t think that mathematics was a field for women. Although he was my age and wasn’t tied down by most traditional beliefs, he believed that only men could be true mathe
  • I am most interested in a career in psychoneuroimmunology. Scientists who work in this area study the biological connection between the mind and immunological factors relating to health and healing. This is my ideal occupation because it includes my two criteria for a career: I
  • Because my activities and academic work exemplify the criteria set by the N.A.A.S., I should be selected for the R.C. Easley National Scholarship. My previously mentioned accomplishments and activities attest to my scholastic ability, intellectual potential, personal integrity,
  • With my little hands curled around my number-two pencil, I proudly wrote my alphabet with both my left and right hands. My preschool teacher instructed me, "Lauren, you must choose one hand to write with like your other classmates." An only child and independent by nature, I cou
  • Late one gloomy night seven years ago, I decided for certain that I wanted to attend law school. That night, a traumatic car accident caused severe injuries, irrevocably changing my life and spawning a five-year personal injury lawsuit in which I was the plaintiff. I participate
  • My heart pounded as I pressed my head against the cool glass of the front door. It was a blistering 99 degrees in Florida, but the air-conditioned glass provided my flushed cheek with instant relief. I had finally made it to this place I had heard so much about from my friends o
  • She would walk in futile circles, sapping her strength while going nowhere. If she did not resist atrophy with every cell in her body, it would creep in as soon as she dropped her vigilance. I wanted to grab her hand and drag her kicking and screaming into the world of reason. I
  • A Formation of Self Before even touching the camera, I made a list of some of the photographs I would take: web covered with water, grimace reflected in the calculator screen, hand holding a tiny round mirror where just my eye is visible, cat’s striped underbelly as he jumps to