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  • MBA Essay (Client xx) Why are you seeking to pursue your MBA programme now in relation to your short and long-term career goals? Explain, as specifically as possible, how an MBA from xx will contribute to these goals. (500 words) Most people go through their lives dreaming big d
  • Essay 1 Describe your two most valued accomplishments and the process by which you achieved them. What challenges or obstacles did you encounter along the way? How did you overcome them? Objectively speaking, my undergraduate life was spent in sustained progress and the honors b
  • Essay for ## Essay Topic: What are your professional goals? How do your past and present experiences relate to those goals? (approximately 750 words) “What are your professional goals?” I kept shouting the question into the crisp air that was already getting chilly. Walking ai
  • Essay 3 The focus of the PhD program at Boston College is research. Describe a research question that you would like to explore. Make sure to explain what you are trying to find out, why it is important, and what approach you might like to take in answering the questions. Throug
  • Essay Topic: What are your professional goals? How do your past and present experiences relate to those goals? (approximately 750 words) “What are your professional goals?” I kept shouting the question into the crisp air that was already getting chilly. Walking aimlessly on th
  • ESSAY的写作方向一直是本科、商科及MBA申请中所关注的热点问题!ESSAY提供给申请者思考的空间非常广阔,基本上不会有什么限制,除了它给了你一个环境,那么怎么去“种”这朵“花”,那是你自己的事情了。很多时候,DIY们依然
  • 这一点你必须相信――教授们希望从你的申请文书中找到一个真实而生动的人。所以,如果你想写出一篇真正出色的自荐信,你必须放松,再放松,然后表达一个真实的自己。 但是怎样表达一个真实的自己呢?真正做到这一点要比你想
  • 挖掘各学校的个性特色和教育理念,来看“适合”在招生工作中的作用,这也是我们写WHY ESSAY的原则。随着ED截止日期的临近,好多申请者也在忙着填网申和WHY ESSAY的写作,往年接触的学生在写WHY ESSAY时都是写学校如何如何
  • Vision and Example 视野与榜样 [Prompt: Describe your leadership style. What skills do you need to develop to become a more effective leader?] "I believe that two qualities in particular characterize my leadership style: the ability to establish a clear vision and the ability to
  • 如果你各科成绩的GPA不够理想,就凭一篇优秀短文就能使你进入首选院校 如果你认为自己写不出"优秀"或"有创意的"短文, 如果你认为自己生活平淡,没有什么兴趣,重要或独特的事情要讲给招生委员会听? 这样想,就错了
  • 关于ESSAY的写作,有两点需要中国学生特别注意: 一、你的中国文化和商业背景并不能增加美国商学院的diversity?现在美国商学院每年都有很多中国人申请,商学院里已经有相当多的中国学生。既然是独特的,就是大部分人都没有
  • 一章 preparation before writing 在对essay (散文) 开始写作前,首先要对essay有基本的了解.作为高申本的学生,你们没有任何很强的专业、学术背景。所以在对于美国本科招生委员会去评定你们的时候不是主要放在学生的申