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  • 申请之前总听前辈们提起PS,都说它是申请过程中可算得上是最重要的一个内容。当时我只知道它是Personal Statement的简称,中文译为“个人陈述”,却不知道它具体是个什么东西,想到自己也要写这么一篇PS,感觉一片迷茫。但
  • 三、我的PS奋斗过程 PS是申请中最重要的一个内容,也可以说是最令人头疼的一个内容,因此我在它身上花费了比其他材料更多的时间,可以说是几经周折,才有了最后一版的新鲜出炉。 2.挥笔激情完成初稿 大概的内容构思好了,
  • 美国大学研究生院入学申请材料中的个人陈述(PERSONAL STATEMENTS)无疑是申请人向学校推荐自己的最好机会。然而这关键的一步却令许多申请人不知从何落笔。现向大家介绍书写个人陈述过程中的十要十不要,请记住这二十条,申
  • 1.对所要申请的学校和专业是否有深入细致的了解,能做到在写自述时紧扣学校和专业的要求及特点,突出自己的申请优势。 2.自己的人生经历中有什么独特的、非同寻常的地方?在家庭生活和社会生活中有哪些人或事件影响了自己
  • Guowei(George) Zhang Rm.201, Bldg.18, Block of Materials, Ming Guang Cun ,Beijing, 100088 86-10-66802266 Education Fudan University Shanghai, China 1992-1996 Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing. Ranked first in class in Junior and Senior years; Recipient, merit-based
  • 1 精辟的开场白--一篇成功的个人自述应有一段精彩的开端,这可以是申请人对专业的,对事业的,对时事的,或对个人情况的感想和评述,但应注意与所申请的课程和专业相关。 2 对教育背景的介绍--申请人应用叙述的笔法,
  • 生物学专业个人陈述样本(Biology personal statement) Biology Personal Statement I wish to study Biology because of my enthusiasm for the environment and my fascination with how living organisms work, particularly animals. I enjoy studying creatures at a cellular level as well as o
  • 英文履历表无论是申请学校、或是找工作,都经常要用到。以下便是基本的写作方法: 英文履历表该有那些内容? 写作注意事项 Dos And Don’ts Resume的三种格式及范例 其他相关网站 英文履历表该有那些内容? 以下是
  • Lesson One: Tackling the Question Think of the essay as the face of your application. An application without an essay is a statistic—just another faceless person in a crowd. An application with a poorly written essay does not give admissions officers the chance to care about yo
  • Lesson Two: Brainstorming Selecting a Topic Choosing an essay topic can be one of the most difficult aspects of the entire admissions process. Questions often ask you to think about your entire life, pick just one thing, and talk about it in great depth. Even the most reflective
  • Lesson Three: Structure Outline The easiest way to sabotage all the work you have done so far is to skip this lesson. Writing is as much a discipline as it is an art, and to ensure that your essays flow well and make sense, you need to construct solid outlines before you write.
  • Lesson Five: Intros Conclusions Surprised to see introductions as the topic of our second-to-last lesson? Most writers find that it is nearlyimpossible to craft an essay by beginning with the introduction. The best leads often develop during and after writers have written the re