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  • Electrical Engineering Personal Staement Acclaimed as a prodigy, I entered into one of China‘s ivy league universities at 14 and joined the country‘s topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at 19. Now an experienced engineer at 26, I would like to scale s
  • Personal Statement Proposed Program: Polymer Chemistry and Organic Chemistry June 12, 2002 was a very memorable day for me in my life - I successfully passed the oral defense of my thesis. My thesis was highly praised unanimously by all of the specialists on the oral defense com
  • Personal Statement Program: Chemical Engineering My choice of research concentrations should be attributed to my considerations about doing scientific research: that the process of undertaking scientific studies is itself a joy and that the results of the research should arise f
  • Personal Statement Program: Chemical Engineering It is always difficult to foretell what kind of a person a child will grow into in the future. This axiom can apply to me perfectly. In my elementary school, I won the second prize for XX and this cultivated in me the ambition to
  • Personal Statement Applied Program: Computer Science Life is the greatest miracle on the earth. Mathematics is the language employed by the Creator to describe the universe while computer is the most powerful tool that mankind has invented. It is bioinformatics that has effected
  • Personal Statement It is my conviction that persistent hard work is the most important key to success. I learned this belief from my own experience. Years ago, while I was preparing for the national physics contest for high-school students, I fell ill with nasosinusitis, sufferi
  • Personal Statement Program: Mathematics “Go face the force of the wind, and fight the slash of the rain, the palm of your hands will thicken, the skin of your cheeks will tan. But you will walk like a man.” This is the motto that has always endowed me with important inspiratio
  • Personal Statement Program: (Pure)Mathematics Imagination: 1.the act or power of forming mental images of what is not present. 2.the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or not previously known or experienced. ---Webster’s New World Coll
  • Over the past years I have had a keen interest in computers and electronic communications. I was self taught until I began to study information technology at sixth form college. I completed a GNVQ Information Technology at city of Westminster College. I am currently doing a BSc
  • Personal Statement Several years ago, when I was still wandering in disillusionment and despair, a quotation from the French literary class Le Conte de Monte Cristo gave me an enlightening edifice: "Enjoy the joy of your life. Never forget that, before the God reveals the future
  • Personal Statement Applicant: Da Jiang (2002055) Program Applied: Geology Despite the fact that I come from one of China’s most impoverished regions—Northwest China—where disadvantageous economic and educational conditions deprived me of a decent education that most of my pee
  • Personal Statement Program Applied: Bioinformatics/Biostatistics Frankly, when first exposed to biostatistics at seminars (in the second semester of my junior year), I found myself quite ignorant of this academic discipline. To be sure, as a student from the Department of Mathem