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2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学

二. 美国转学的基本要求和注意事项



1. 以下是移民局对转学的基本要求:
An F-1 student who was not pursuing a full course of study at the school he or she was last authorized to attend is ineligible for school transfer and must apply for reinstatement under the provisions of paragraph (f)(16) of this section, or, in the alternative, may depart the country and return as an initial entry in a new F-1 nonimmigrant status. (Revised effective 1/1/03; 67 FR 76256)  

An F-1 student who is maintaining status may transfer to another U.S. school. If you have not maintained proper F-1 status and are therefore "out of status," you will be required to apply for reinstatement to student status through the USCIS. Then you may request to transfer to another institution.

2 美国转学资料 
If you plan to leave Regent University and transfer to another school in the U.S., you must request a release of your SEVIS record to the school that you have chosen to attend. The new school cannot make a new I-20 for you until they have control of your SEVIS record. 


2. 转学时间安排及注意事项

美国的学校里, 转学生与新生入学一起录取,并没有单独的审核机制。所以凡是打算转学的,一定要及早申请, 先要保证赶在对方学校的deadline前。也就是说,转学等于重新申请一次学校,不同的是你人在美国申请。一旦有了转学计划,你应该先向移民局申请这项批准,因为移民局处理你的申请需要花一段时间,所以你要尽量在转学前取得转学批准。比如你打算2007年9月转入新学校,你在2006年11月份就应该申请,好象在国内申请一样。

关于有人问的转学有没有时间限制的问题,让我们先看看来自 www.immigration.gov 官方关于transfer的一段话:

A student who is maintaining status may transfer to another Service approved school by following the notification procedure prescribed in paragraph (f)(8)(ii) of this section. However, an F-1 student is not permitted to remain in the United States when transferring between schools or programs unless the student will begin classes at the transfer school or program within 5 months of transferring out of the current school or within 5 months of the program completion date on his or her current Form I-20, whichever is earlier. 

上面这段的意思是,转学期间你不能待在美国,除非你在新学校的课程在转离原来学校的5个月内开始,或者你原来学校的I-20上注明的学习结束日期后的5个月内开始。换句话说,如果你现在已经毕业,你不能单单因为办理转学手续,而无限制地在美国待下去,这个时间是5个月。in a word, 你新/旧I-20之间的间隔不能超过5个月, 超过的话就要回国重新签证了。

1 比如我5月份转学,那么10月前必须去新学校上课吗?
回答: 如果5月转学, 会拿到新的I-20,  新的I-20生效之后,你就可合法居留美国了。上课的时间以新I-20为准。
2 又如果你现有的I-20上写的program在9月份结束,那么你必须在9月份前去新学校上课吗?
回答: 旧的I-20如果写的是9月结束, 那么你可以在美国继续居留5个月, 到第二年2月。 这期间是合法的, 这个是移民局给你的grace period让你转学之用。如果你转的新I-20生效日期是你旧I-20过期5个月之内的话, 那就没有问题。 
