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2013年02月21日来源:互联网作者: 万佳留学



人总是倾向着以成败论英雄。我申请了这么多美国学校,才录了这么几个,询问者的目光却都集中在了成功的那几个上了。 其实私以为有面试的几个学校进行得挺不错,essay也很问心无愧地写了。至于结果,应该是他人之下,rp未满吧。


申请的那段时间,放宽了讲,从来英国之后,窄了讲,去年暑假开始,一直到今年1月1日晚上11点,真是名副其实的狗一般的日子。 你看多少帖子,听多少前辈介绍经验,当自己经历的时候才能切切实实地感受到真的痛苦,压力,彷徨和狂喜。 现在回头看,多少有点隔岸观花的味道,也能和当时的感情脱离了冷眼旁观。 一切情绪波动的来源,大多是因为对无法存档从来的人生游戏太过认真的缘故了吧。


一开始,急于求成,而无法心平气和。 记得当初从头到尾看了好多遍有名的“感动哈佛50篇”,脑子里满满的都是别人的故事。下意识的就把自己往别人的模子里套,比较,改正,努力,模仿那样的文笔。 反省一下,其实这是自己一贯以来习惯的做事方式。画画是这样,读书也是这样。总是觉得别人的作品那么漂亮,自己临摹了很有满足感。其实想来,在那么一层层的不同风格叠加之后,自己却看不清自己了。 阿米巴般的我,能够适应是件好事,在开始写essay的时候却吃足了苦头。


第一篇PS,历时三个月,改了十多稿,开始到最终,文字和主题几乎都完全不同。 不言自明的失败。总结一下,硬伤很多:开始主题未明确,好高骛远,恨不得把自己的一切放到PS里面,同时又没有真正地认清自我的特点。文章太长,流于形式,无谓的华丽辞藻,通通应该不要。删来删去没下700字,直接out。






除了PS,其他大大小小的文章非常之多。为了找灵感,不是趴在网上就是埋在哲学等书籍里。脑中一团棉花,灵感火花点不燃就被按熄了。 偶尔有一个顺利获得氧气挣扎着可以燎原,我就狂喜地赶紧把它写下来。


逐渐地,和画画一样,似乎是找到了手感。在无数次trial and error之后,一点点,自己的文笔剥茧抽丝般开始显现了。 令人窒息的茫茫无期的瓶颈期,总算是快要过去了。


这段时间是最钻心剜骨的。光是EA的两个学校Michigan和Chicago就让我手足无措,处处碰壁。PS写了十多版,Chicago的文章每篇也至少全部推翻重写了三次,改了十几次。对于一切从头学起的我,这三个月的写作补习无可避免的,并且无可避免地痛苦。 不过这为日后剩下的学校在十天之内都写完打下了有力的基础。




UChicago: Your favourite art work?


The magic of a piece of great art work is that it elevates one to a higher level of consciousness, where day-to-day reasoning can never get close. To me, Pachelbel’s Canon in D major is one of these masterpieces. Right from the strike of the first note, Canon, with its flooding richness and aching beauty, reveals before the listener a pure process of ascending—emotionally, intellectually and aesthetically. At the same moment, past, present and future exist inconceivably together, as the music itself exhibits neither a start nor an end—it repeats to infinity, yet with new subtleties added every time. The overall effect is a stunning harmony, highly ordered, full of but without excessive emotion. In Canon, no opinion or central theme is stated—I tend to view it as a loaded “empty basket”, waiting for the listeners to take out their own understanding. Curiously enough, Canon always invokes seemingly disconnected images in me: from endless DNA helix rotating in space, to millions of stars floating in the Universe. I guess it is because the idea of infinity in the music itself somehow resembles the beauty of infinity in science. This is exactly why Canon is my favorite: it lifts my sense from daily triviality, and bestows me a boundless space—an “empty basket”—for intelligence to roam.


Indeed, a lot of my favorite art works possess this “empty-basket” quality. Bach’s Air on G String, Beethoven’s Piano Concerto 5# “Emperor” Adagio and Piano Sonata No.29 are all good examples of the type of music that inspires my thinking. In the realm of visual art, Bernini’s sculpture The Ecstasy of St. Teresa and Da Vinci’s painting St. John the Baptist also have the same effect. Even films like 2001: a Space Odyssey (especially its ingenious opening with Richard Strauss’ Also Sprach Zarathustra) is tremendously simulating. The list of my favorite art work is still expanding. Maybe itself is just an “empty basket”, embracing any intellectual exposures to come.

