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生物学 个人陈述案例 七

2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学

Personal Statement
Program Applied: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

“As for the reason why I have succeeded in my research, the most important factor is my love for science and my persistence in exploration.” Using this important quote from Darwin as my guideline, I have been making my own persistent efforts for exploring the mysteries of the biological world.

My interest in biology was already embodied in the na?ve questions I used to ask myself in my childhood: Do plants breathe as animals do? How can plants survive without eating anything like animals? As I entered in middle school, biology courses showed me the richness and colorfulness of the natural world, making me increasingly obsessed with a desire to probe into its fascinating secrets. By the time I entered Beijing normal university, I unhesitatingly chose Biotechnology as my specialty at the College of Life Science.

The past three years represents a process whereby I deepened my understanding of biology as a discipline. When I just entered the university, I understanding of biology was simply that of commonsense knowledge, that DNA is the genetic information carrier and ATP is the energy currency. With intensive studies of chemistry in the first year, I formed new perspectives about biology and realized that many biological phenomena must be explained on the micro level through chemistry. The solid foundation in chemistry I laid at that time becomes one of the reasons for my present application for an advanced degree program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. As a sophomore, I started to learn many basic courses in biology such as biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, etc. Those courses served to systematize my discrete pieces of knowledge. The production of larger molecules in organism, metabolic process involving consumption, the interaction of molecules with different chemical properties, the DNA reproduction, transcription, translation, and regulation of the behavior of genetic substances, all those formed a comprehensive picture of the inner workings of the biological world. When a junior, I learned courses Cell Biology, Cell Engineering, Genetic Engineering, and Principles of Biochemical Technology. They pointed my attention to cell, the most basic unit of organism’s structure and functions where various biological processes happen. I also learned how to apply various experimental skills. I felt that my knowledge of biology has reached a higher level and I have developed some initial understanding of the most recent academic developments in the field.

My diligence in coursework has created a solid theoretical buildup. In core courses such as biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, cell engineering, genetic engineering, principles of biochemical technology and cell biology, I achieve the highest or the second highest scores in the entire Department. My overall GPA is 3.8, ranking top in my Department. For three consecutive years, I have received first-class scholarships and I was honored as Beijing Municipal Student of Excellence in the sophomore year, a special honor awarded to only 18 students that year in my university consisting of 8000 students.

Due to my solid knowledge background, I often answered questions that my classmates raised in their studies and helped them with their coursework. Instead of doing mechanical memorizing, I had a habit of observing the dynamic characteristics of organisms and to explain their biological behavior from a dynamic perspective. The numerous experimental skills that I acquired from various courses were practiced and perfected in my experimental classes—biochemical experiment, molecular biology experiment, cell culture and biochemical technology experiment. My strong hands-on abilities have enabled me to conduct, with much facility, lab operations in electrophoresis, chromatography, PCR, blue-white screening, Southern hybridization and ELISA.

As an undergraduate, I have done some tentative but independent research. I once designed RAPD technique and applied it in connection with other techniques of molecular biology to the taxonomic experiment on Hestina. The experiment was motivated by my discovery that conventional approaches based on insect habits and morphological characteristics cannot establish clear-cut taxonomic relationships between two species of Hestina—Hestina assinilis and Hestina assimilis mena. By consulting technical literature, I decided to use RAPD method to do direct research into the genetic substances of those two species. Backed by concrete statistics, I worked out the difficulties in the conventional approach by establishing a relatively clear classification between them.

My studies of biology also included self-study of authoritative western textbooks (bought on my own expenses). They are Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by David L. Nelson & Michael M. Cox, Gene VII, and Molecular Biology by Robert F. Weaver. In addition, I actively attended lectures on the most updated research findings in the world. The most impressive lecture was the one on mitochondria DNA and human genesis delivered by Dr. Wallace, professor of biology from Emory University and academician of American Science Academy. This lecture was another decisive factor in making me determined to pursue advanced studies in biochemistry and molecular biology. Through those years, I have formed some of my own ideas about biology. I believe that there are two key points in biology. One is transformation, which is the mechanism whereby many larger molecules of organism play their biological functions. By means of changes in conformation, the larger molecules regulate the biological activity of themselves and of other molecules. Another is balance. There is always a limit to any biological process or biochemical reactions. The balance of reactions maintains the homeostasis of organism.

By presenting you with the foregoing account of myself, I do not want to give the impression that I am a mere bookworm. As a matter of fact, I have also paid considerable attention to improve my all-round qualities. For three years in succession, I have been received the honor of the Outstanding Youth League Leader of the University. I am also a leader of our university’s Student Union and was awarded the first prize in the evaluation of the performances of the leaders of the Union’s various departments. Additionally, I am a member of our School’s soccer team.

My role model is Barbara McClintock, the renowned American geneticist and Nobel laureate in 1983. When she conducted pioneering research on the transposable elements in genetic materials, her research was rejected as heterodox and she was excluded from the mainstream academia. Disregarding the incomprehension of her colleagues, she persisted for nearly fifty years with her research to win gradual recognition. Her indifference to worldly matters and her dedication to science are sufficient to arouse my admiration. Like Barbara McClintock, I would like to devote my youth and my energy to the study of biochemistry and molecular biology to develop myself into a successful biologist.

Biochemistry helps us understand the structure, property, metabolic processes of various larger biological molecules and their interactions from the perspective of chemistry. On the other hand, molecular biology focuses on examining , on the molecular level, the functioning mechanism and the biological behavior of genetic substances. Therefore, biochemistry and molecular biology are no longer two mere scientific disciplines, but represent an important research perspective (the chemical perspective) and research level (molecular level). I hope that I can research on the following areas: the exquisite functioning mechanism of certain specific protein factors in genetic expression and regulation, their chemical effects, the interplay between different proteins, the structural basis of their functioning, the exact time during the life cycle and the precise part of the organism’s body that those types of proteins function.

The University of x x x is what I believe can make my aspirations into a reality. Reputed for its teaching and research achievements in biochemistry and in molecular biology, the University of x x x has liberal academic thoughts, a comprehensive education system, congenial academic climate, and advanced teaching and research facilities. This will be the ideal place for me to undertake my Ph.D. program. It has been claimed by many scientists that the 21st century will be the century of biology. I wish to make my own achievements in my research through my diligent academic and career efforts.

