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网络与应用 个人陈述案例 一

2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学

Personal Statement

Program: Network Technology & Application

Having worked in programming with database and network in financial system for ICBC, Industrial and commercial Bank of China, the biggest bank in China, and after securing a master degree in computer network under the supervision of the respectable professor Wu Zhongfu, a famous computer expert and the president of Chongqing University, I now strongly wish to concentrate on a higher level of computer network research to develop a good command of the magic power of network technology, for this technology not only changes the way people live but also changes the system structure of the computer itself. Furthermore, the technology and the theory in network have been applied to many other fields, such as parallel process, storage technology, and even the CPU architecture. I hope I can master this revolutionary power by pursuing a doctoral degree in the United States, a place where science and technologies, computer science in particular, are most advanced in the world.

I began to be fascinated by the programming practice as early as when I was studying the basic undergraduate courses about computer science and engineering. Human thoughts are accurately described into computer recognizable languages. Under such circumstances, the computer is transformed into a thinking machine whose efficiency and accuracy surpasses the human brain itself. I am always proud of possessing of this powerful and special skill. I was the first undergraduate student in my department to participate in actual engineering projects, compiling software programs in a computer network company for banks and securities companies. Rich working experience has deepened my understanding of knowledge, especially the computer knowledge and technologies, and the high reliability requirements of the banks and securities companies have also cultivated in me a strong sense of responsibility and a prudential approach in the quest of knowledge.

After graduation from university, I started to work on the design of a credit card trading system in the credit card division of the Chongqing Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. During my work there, the credit card consumption clearing system I had designed had conducted over three million transactions with a value of four billion yuan for three years. The credit card business statistics system I designed has provided basic information for the management of credit cards and market operations, its performance ranked the fourth in the national system, this was remarkable for Chongqing, a city in China‘s relatively underdeveloped western Region, and I was praised many times by the ICBC headquarters.

Due to my excellent performance, I was recommended by the general manager in the credit card division and by the bank president to return to the Chongqing University to get a master degree after completing the upgrading project of the operation system in 1998. I studied basic network protocols under the supervision of famous computer experts during my postgraduate study; research works there further enhanced my understanding of the network. During that period, I wrote an academic paper entitled XXX that was published on Computer Science. The project on the centerless POS network solution I took part in has been approved by the People‘s Bank of China as one of the two POS network standards. Several months ago, I have completed my graduate program and succeeded in obtaining my Master‘s degree.

The equipment and the software I encountered during my work almost all come from Western countries, and the whole business operation of our bank credit card system depends almost entirely on those imported products. Being the kind of person that seeks creative and innovative solutions, I personally feel rather uncomfortable and frustrated about this. In addition, during my contacts with the engineers from IBM, HP and other American companies, I have become completely fascinated by their rigorous logical thinking, their pioneering experimental spirit, their professional expertise and pleasant personality cultivated uniquely by the western cultures. I have also become interested in the logical and scientific spirit in the western culture that parallel its advanced science and technologies. I therefore plan to go to the United States to study the most advanced network technology and to obtain a doctoral degree. After finishing my graduate program, I will try my best to become an expert in this field.

At present, network technology and its stratification idea have become the basics of computer technology. Network technology cannot only be applied to the Internet but also to the computer inner structures as well. The network stratification idea is an important measure in realizing the inter-connection of networks, and this very classification of functions and tasks ensures that the networks will be flexible, expendable and reliable and therefore has great application prospects. There are thousands CPUs in the present parallel processing systems, the system itself is an enormous network and the storage network area (SNA) is exemplary in applying network technology to the traditional storage systems.

The United States has undeniable advantage network technology and computer system structures, and the XXX University is especially outstanding in the computer network and its relative specialties of the electronic and computer engineering, such as the parallel processing and computer framework. I think that to any prospective Chinese engineer that understands and loves the network, it is worthy of any cost to come to your university and learn the most advanced technologies and ideas in the world.


