Guidelines for creating effective personal statements Preparation(写出有效ps的指导方针。)
1. Research the institution(研究申请的机构)
If possible visit the institution and talk to students, faculty and admissions committee members.(如果必要,应该访问申请的机构,同教职员工等谈谈,这对我们来说几乎是做梦。)
Questions to consider are: What are the criteria for acceptance? , What are the values of the
program and institution? and What are themes expressed by students and staff? .(应该考虑的问题包括,接受标准,项目以及机构的长处等)
Get to know faculty members areas of expertise and research background.(了解教职员工经验和研究背景,这些都是多余的,给你offer,一般你就会去。)
Other ways to research the program: the web, University libraries, and directly contacting the
2. Conduct self-reflection(反思)
What are your motivations for applying to this institution?(动机)
What are your interests, skills and goals?(兴趣、技能和目标)
How do your personal goals match with the institution and program?(如何相符)
Considerations for writing your statement
1. Follow directions on each specific application process
Read each question carefully and make sure that you answer each one.(回答提出的问题)
(个性化) Customize each statement to reflect your research and interest in that particular program. Many students apply to many programs. Avoid sending ineffective, generic personal statements.(不要说些天马行空的大话和空话)
Look for and follow required format and word limits.(格式要正确)
2. Mention your research about the program or school(提出你做的研究)
What opportunities does this program offer? Why are you applying? What is it known for?
Why is it a match for you (beyond its convenience)?
3. Tone: be genuine, realistic, unique, excited and anecdotal(风格要真实、独特、激动人心)
Reflect who you are. Use information from your self-reflection. Why does this program or
school fit you and your long-term goals? Briefly tell stories that demonstrate your interest and
Emphasize what is unique about you (i.e., classes, professors, projects, opportunities, events that
stand out related to your goals).(强调独特性)
Demonstrate that you have a realistic sense of the profession and the training required. Provide
examples of how you ve gained information and prepared yourself for this endeavor (i.e., how
you sought out research, volunteer, work, personal experience, etc.).
Avoid giving a romantic vision. Write with authority like a fellow colleague.
Talk about how you expect to contribute to the field.(谈谈你能对这个领域贡献什么)
4. Be creative while enhancing your assets
Find ways to carefully balance the sense of passion, anecdotes and marketing and the need to
give practical information.
Make your opening statement and first paragraph to be eye-catching and unique. (第一段应该吸引眼球)For example, You might wonder why someone interested in astrophysics may be interested in law school... .
Be creative, but not gimmicky. For example, you may wish to have a theme running through
your statement such as an athlete may carefully use sports terminology in a medical school
Avoid meaningless clich s such as I ve always wanted to... or I like to help people.(避免冗词赘句)
After creating your draft
1. Get your draft critiqued(修改)
Ask for objective feedback. Faculty advisor or the undergraduate advising staff can assist you
with this.
Are you communicating what you wish to say?(是否词不达意)
Does it look professional and well written? Look at grammar, font size, aesthetics, spelling and