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2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学


  What is a personal statement?

  The personal statement is an essay, generally under 1,000 words, which is designed to give the selection committee a sense of who you are and how closely your goals and strengths match the ideals of a specific fellowship. In this essay you have a great deal of flexibility on how to organize and present your thoughts, but you should be sure to cover the following basic points: (字数少于1000,目的是展示你是谁以及你的目标与能力)

  your qualifications for the given fellowship (资格)
  how the fellowship fits in with your personal and professional goals(奖学金是如何符合你的个人以及专业经历)
  A personal statement is generally most effective when it concentrates on:(应该集中在一下几点)

  *an issue or experience that you feel strongly about, or one that has helped to shape who you are
  *a significant accomplishment or contribution you have made to your field or community

  What is the selection committee looking for in your statement?(评选委员会希望看到什么?)

  A selection committee may read hundreds of application essays back-to-back in a short period of time. Readers are looking for essays that:

  make sense-- logically, grammatically, thematically engage their attention
  provide substantive and relevant information stand out from the crowd(提供实实在在的信息)

  How to get started(如何开始)

  Write down two or three experiences you feel have shaped who you are. Write down two or three significant problems you have faced and how you solved them. Then look for patterns.

  *what values keep popping up?
  *what interests?
  *what strengths and skills?
  *Now take a look at your transcript.

  *how does your coursework express your interests and talents?
  *how has it developed them?

  The writing process(写作过程)

  Try several different approaches until you find one that feels right. Revise, revise, revise! If you need help on structure, visit the Writing Workshop.

  As you write, show your essay to people who know you well and ask if it accurately expresses who you are. Be sure to show your essay to faculty advisors before you send off a final version

  Some common pitfalls(一些常见的问题)

  Weak essays generally share one or more of the following characteristics:

  *melodramatic or self-congratulatory statements
  *vague, abstract ideals
  *laundry lists of achievements
  *jargon and specialized vocabulary
  *misspelled words
  *poor grammar
  *convoluted syntax

  For more information, contact:
  Beth Fiori, Fellowship Coordinator
  103 Barnes Hall
