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美国华盛顿大学PS写作要求 1

2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学


  华盛顿大学生物工程系personal statement写作提示:


  原文内容简述:解释你的兴趣何在,还可以在personal statement中介绍你的重要的或不同寻常的经历,还可以说明你将对生物工程系有何贡献。还可以说明为何有些必修课程成绩不好。生物工程系不限制personal statement的长度。

  The personal statement should contain an explanation of your interest in Bioengineering. You may also use the personal statement to relate important or unusual experiences, such as research, volunteer work, or leadership or cultural experiences. The personal statement is also a place to explain how you could contribute to diversity within the Department of Bioengineering. Factors that contribute to diversity include, but are not limited to: cultural awareness, activities, or accomplishments; educational background and goals; living experiences, such as growing up in a disadvantaged or unusual environment; and special talents.

  Finally, you may use a portion of the personal statement to address any academic difficulties, such as a poor performance one quarter or a low grade in a pre-requisite course. If your cumulative GPA falls below the 2.5 needed to apply to Bioengineering, or you have academic problems to explain that are larger than a single course or quarter, please address this through a formal letter of petition (see note) rather than through the personal statement.

  Length of Essay: While we do not limit you to one page, it is important that your essay be well written. Be clear about what you want to say so that you do not ramble or repeat yourself.

  以下是华盛顿大学心理写作中心对personal statement的详细介绍。原文地址:http://depts.washington.edu/psywc/handouts/pdf/personal.pdf 内容简介:说明你的聪明、兴趣和能力(intelligent, literate, and have interests and abilities)。在写作过程中应该选择词汇激起最适当的情感(evoke the most appropriate emotional)应该明确、简介(You should be clear, concise)将最重要的话放在开始和结尾。Put the most important sentences at the beginning and end of the paragraph.
