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美国华盛顿大学PS写作要求 3

2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学

Creative Content

  You need substantive content, and if you can be creative that's even better. Needs will vary according to the area you're applying for, pay attention to the requirements of the department to which you are applying. Here are some areas you might include:
  · Work done with or that displays knowledge of top people in the field--summarize key points of
  your actual experience
  · Recognition of and interest in work of individuals in the department to which you are applying
  · Clinical or related work experience
  · Personal reasons for your interest in the area, for example, difficulties overcome, great
  extracurricular achievements, etc.
  These items are pretty standard, so don't limit yourself to this list. Use your imagination!


  Stay well within length requirements. If you find yourself running over, evaluate which aspects of your personal statement are essential and which may be nice but not special. Here are some things that affect length:
  · Have you stated information concisely? Is anything wordy or repetitious?
  · Does each paragraph convey a specific meaningful point?
  · Can you combine paragraphs that convey the same main point?
  · Are you crowding the page by using small margins and too-small font?
  When you're satisfied with your draft, get someone else to read it (hey, how about the Psychology Writing Center), or leave enough time to set it aside and come back to it later. You'll be amazed at how many things sounded great when you wrote them that later seem unnecessary. Plan to write several drafts before.
