[Prompt: Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at Kellogg.]
My aspirations to become a businesswoman began when, as a little girl, I begged my mother to buy me a doll. She refused and reiterated her routine refusal: "It is too expensive, and we have many bills to pay." Undaunted, I generated a scheme to make money on my own. When we got home, I located my mother's handbag and ripped her paper bills in half. I was convinced that by doing so, I was creating twice as much money as we initially had. Fortunately, my mother discovered my scheme before the damage was significant. She laughed at my economic theory and decided to reward my attempt at a business venture: I got the doll.
Since then, my goals have evolved from funding the purchase of a doll to managing shareholder value as a CFO, or eventually the CEO, of a major corporation. After earning my undergraduate degree in business, I worked as a corporate tax consultant in legacy C&L, now PwC, became a CPA, and built a solid foundation in accounting. These opportunities exposed me to tax issues surrounding technology companies and to tax strategies for enhancing a corporation's bottom line. After my second busy season in tax consulting, I took a senior role in my clients' projects. Although I was expecting a raise and a promotion within three months, I wanted to meet the requirements to obtain my CPA license, so I moved to the audit department.
In my new role, I audited government contracts and financial statements for SEC filings and had a wide range of clients, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. Because I spent most of my time working in client sites, I gained significant exposure to business operations. I learned how various business functions interact as I worked with people from different parts of the organization: A/P clerks, sales people, engineers, lawyers, and CFOs. Most importantly, I recognized the importance of controls and interdepartmental communication. I also participated in an audit for a $100M IPO for Deltagen. While I was an independent inspector of the company, the startup team treated me as one of them, and I felt part of a "company team" for the first time. I was impressed both by the pride the management had in their accomplishments and by the crucial, indefatigable skill of the investment bankers who set the IPO price.
Recognizing that I did not have sufficient exposure to the complexities of financial markets, I sought experience as an investment banker after earning my CPA license. Acting as a general analyst at Merrill Lynch, I sharpened my analytical skills. I calculated financial multiples, created models, drafted client presentations, and researched companies, all the while learning how deals are made. I was gratified when I was chosen to be the only dedicated analyst for the venture banking group reporting directly to the managing director and director. This role taught me how capital is raised and how risks and rewards are balanced for early-stage companies. The increased responsibility and direct accountability to senior management have advanced my professional maturity.
Now, I am seeking a learning environment that will provide me with the broad conceptual and networking tools to meet my professional goals as a CFO and CEO. After earning my MBA, I plan to work for a VC firm and eventually gain a management role in a portfolio company or progress through the ranks in a major company. I am also considering founding my own firm. When I come up with a "great idea, " I often call my friends and dissect its business viability. While my professional experiences have allowed me to develop strong skills in finance, I seek further training in general management skills, business strategies, knowledge of other business functions, and international business practices. Along with exposure to various ideas and practices, I need to develop a more diverse network of people to give me perspective on the challenges and opportunities of different industries.
I am confident that the Kellogg School of Management is the right fit for my ambitions and character because of its overall academic excellence, management and international emphasis, team-oriented environment, and location on the East Coast. I plan to capitalize on Kellogg's strengths as they relate to my interests by taking courses in marketing and strategic management, as well as participating in the Global Initiatives in Management. Global Initiatives in Management, in particular, would offer me the rare opportunity to learn about a different culture and acquire firsthand training in international business issues and practices.
I am also looking forward to the opportunity to learn as part of the talented and diverse Kellogg community. Kellogg's emphasis on cooperation and team building creates a supportive environment of peers, in which I am confident that I will excel. Finally, after living exclusively in California since emigrating from the Philippines seven years ago, attending Kellogg will be a unique opportunity for me to experience life on the East Coast. The business knowledge, practical experience, and exposure to different viewpoints I will gain from the Kellogg community will prepare me to realize my long-term goal of becoming a successful business leader.
当我们还是小孩子的时候,基本没有几个会像作者那样已经萌发了创造财富的想法。作者很聪明的通过一个发生在自己身上的小故事表现出从小就有经商的头脑。妈妈用‘还有许多账单要付的借口’ 拒绝了自己要洋娃娃的乞求,‘促使’作者产生了只要把纸币撕成两半就可以创造出是原有价值两倍钱的想法。尽管作者的行为看起来非常可笑并且幼稚,但是并没有遭到妈妈的责备,还得到自己梦寐以求的洋娃娃。原因就在于作者的妈妈更看重的是她对商业敏感的天赋。作者通过这样的一个小故事,向人们展现了自己对商业的兴趣是从小就开始的。
[提示:简要评估你的职业进展。阐述一下你的未来职业规划, 及你申请凯洛格硕士学位的动机]
我萌生将来要成为女商人的愿望是在我还是个小女孩的时候,我祈求妈妈给我买一个洋娃娃。 妈妈一如既往的拒绝了我:“太贵了,我们还有许多账单要付呢。”不知道天高地厚的我便产生了一套自己的赚钱方案。一到家,我就打开妈妈的手提包,掏出纸币撕成两半。 我非常的坚信只有这样做,我才能在原有的基础上创造出两倍的钱来。幸运的是,我妈妈在我还没有造成太大破坏之前发现了我的‘阴谋’。她对我的经济理论感到非常的可笑,并且决定奖励我的创造商业的尝试:我得到我的洋娃娃。
我新工作职责主要是负责政府合同和财务报表的审计,用于证交会备案,并且客户群非常的广,从刚创业的小公司到财富500强的大企业。因为我大部分时间都在客户公司进行工作, 所以我在有关企业的经营活动上得到了很好的锻炼。我通过与大公司不同部门的人工作,了解到各个部门是如何互动的:应付账会计,销售,工程师,律师,和首席财务官。最重要的是,我意识到控制和跨部门的沟通的重要性。我还参与了一个价值1亿美金deltagen招股的年度审计。当我作为公司的独立都察员时,启动团队就把我当作他们其中的一员,我第一次感受到成为公司中的一分子。让我印象深刻的是管理层对他们的成就的骄傲,及制定招股价格的投资银行家们最重要的,不知疲倦的技巧。
我深信Kellogg管理学院是最适合我的理想和性格,还有他的卓越整体学术,管理和国际重视,团队意识为主的环境,及其地处东海岸的位置。我计划利用Kellogg的强项尤其是与我的兴趣所在的市场营销战略和策略管理的课程上, 以及参与全球化的管理措施。尤其是全球管理措施, 将为我提供了一个难得的机会了解不同文化,和掌握第一手国际商务培训问题 和做法。
我还期待着有机会学习并成为有才华及多样化的Kellogg社区的一部分。Kellogg强调团队合作和建设创造一个有利的环境,而我深信我将脱颖而出。最后, 七年前从菲律宾移民至今一直居住在加利福尼亚,能进入Kellogg将给与我一个独特的机会去体验东海岸的生活。商业知识,实践经验,使我接触到不同的观点,Kellogg社区让我做好了为实现成为一个成功的企业领导者长期目标的准备。