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2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学

My mother is back. For two and a half years, she has been tucked away in a place where those more fortunate have never ventured. The woman who returned bears only a slight resemblance to the person I knew before her departure. Even though she is the same person, something terribly devastating had to have happened to change the one I knew so well. I am confident that she will be normal again, but only time will tell.

Physically, my mother was always present. I could see, touch, and even talk to her, but our relationship was not the same. She was no longer the person that watched me develop into a man. My mother was a stranger. Her whole persona transformed, her once driven personality slowly wilted like a flower in the blistering August heat. I should have sensed her degeneration; her past was flooded with indicators and warnings of problems yet to come. But I ignored her inner demons, hoping they would never surface.

For the last two and a half years, my mother has lived in a world of depression and anxiety. During these desperate and often discouraging times, I was introduced to the uniqueness of each human body. Throughout her illness, my mother was placed on an unthinkable quantity and variety of medications, but none seemed to have any effect. I was amazed at how other individuals diagnosed with similar conditions reacted so differently to the same drug therapy. My ignorance of medicine was frustrating. As a science major, I was trained to think analytically and objectively, but I lacked a medical education, and I had no training in the fields of psychiatry and psychology, so I was helpless in this situation from a scientific perspective. Love and moral support were all I had to offer.

After numerous doctors and several misdiagnoses, along with virtually every anti-depressant or anti-anxiety drug on the market, my mother eventually found the correct pharmaceutical and diagnosis, and she was set on the road to recovery. Her experience has had a tremendous influence on my decision to pursue a Ph.D. in pharmacology.
When I entered my freshman year of college, I was overwhelmed by the academic transition from high school to university. Tests were transformed into major exams, book reports became research papers, classrooms developed into forums, and time was truly man's worst enemy. I felt that it would be wise to enter my first year under the status of "undecided, " which would provide me with a chance to complete some “easy” prerequisite courses before tackling the more difficult subject matter. I was wrong. My studies lacked a clear direction, and my grades plummeted. In response, I gave myself an ultimatum; either I would continue on my path to academic destruction, or I would buckle down, evaluate my goals, and do what it would take to achieve them. I chose the latter.

As my undergraduate studies progressed, I developed a fascination with the molecular aspects of biology. The way in which atoms and molecules define us as human beings, and how the complete synchrony of these atoms and molecules are essential for life intrigued me. While studying physiology, I became interested in ligands and how the binding of ligands to their specified receptors induces our many behaviors. My interest in pharmacology developed out of my study of ligands, coupled with my mother’s condition.

My curiosity has aroused several questions concerning drugs and neurotransmitters -- specifically, what are the roles of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin in neurological disorders, and what influence do drugs have upon these neurotransmitters? What is the action mechanism of these drugs? Are more or fewer of these neurotransmitters involved in such disorders, and is restoration of these neurotransmitter systems possible? How do these neurotransmitters affect our moods and emotional states? How do certain diseases affect signal transduction?

My interest in drugs and ligands led me to give a presentation on the effects of cocaine on the human brain. Researching this topic enabled me to gain some insight into the mechanisms of drug action, develop a strong appreciation for previous scientific research, educate fellow students on the effects of cocaine abuse, and apply my prior knowledge of neurotransmitters to an area of interest. In the process, I learned that cocaine blocks the re-uptake of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin, and that dopaminergic hyperactivity might be responsible for the feeling of euphoria associated with cocaine use.

The motivation behind my pursuit of a Ph.D. in pharmacology is clear. I watched my mother hopelessly suffer from anxiety and depression, and now I want to contribute to the growing body of research being conducted on disorders such as anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. My academic transcript illustrates my success as a student and is a simple indicator of my potential for graduate study. Perseverance, discipline, and dedication helped to build my foundation, but my curiosity and affinity for science fuel my passion for learning.





















4.经历了数不清的医生们的诊断及几次误诊,尝遍了市面上每一种抗抑郁药,抗焦虑药的煎熬,母亲才终于找到了合适的药物及诊治方法。目前,她正一点一点的好起来。她的经历极大地促成了我要追求Ph.D. in pharmacology的学位的决定。





9.我寻求攻读Ph.D. in pharmacology的动机是明确的。我目睹了母亲从焦虑与抑郁中绝望地生存下来,而我现在正是要深入从事诸如焦虑,抑郁,Alzheimer’s症及Parkinson’s症等精神失调疾病的研究。我的成绩单说明了我过去作为一个学生的成功,并预示着我将来从事研究生学习的潜力。坚韧,纪律及奉献帮助我铸就了坚实的基础,而我的好奇心与对于科学的热爱使我在科学研究的道路上充满激情!
