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法学院申请文书——从工程学到法学(Engineering to Law)

2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学

Engineering to Law

Whether we are discussing World War II bombers, the progression of the F-15,F-16 and F-18 fighter jets, or the vector propulsion of Harrier jets, all airplanes spark enthusiasm in my father -- an enthusiasm that I came to share. As a young girl I remember my father telling me about these amazing advances in technology as we strained our necks back to watch the planes fly over the summer holiday fairgrounds. The two of us would make the commute to the local air shows several times on those weekends, just to make sure that we didn’t miss any of the acts. By the time I entered college, I had become more interested in the physics and aerodynamics of flight, which has led me to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. While learning about the jets and planes that my father and I discussed in my childhood, however, I realized that my interests stretched beyond mechanical engineering and included the desire to impact the world through intellectual property law.

As an engineering physics laboratory teacher’s assistant, I spent many hours in the lab teaching various concepts and working with other students. I quickly learned that no matter how well I understood certain theories, I could not help my students unless I could effectively communicate those theories to them. Learning to teach greatly improved my interpersonal skills, which I then applied when working as an elementary school tutor and summer camp counselor.

As my goals evolved during college, I found that mechanical engineering no longer fulfilled all of my aspirations. The skills of communication, critical thinking, and imagination that I was cultivating seemed more suitable for an interpersonal field. One professor suggested that I look into invention law, and when a speaker came to our senior design class and discussed his career as an intellectual property attorney, I knew that this was the ideal career for me. As an intellectual property lawyer, I would have the opportunity to make a difference in the legal sector while continuing to further my interest in industrial and mechanical engineering -- after first receiving a broad grounding in legal theory as well as invention law.


总的来说,这片文书的结构还算合理,语句也很畅顺,但是却在内容选材上没有很好的利用。 章的题目是《工程到法律》,很明显就是表明了这是一篇关于作者如何从对工程学的喜爱转变成对法律的追求的文章。





无论我们是在讨论二战的轰炸机,还是不过改良的F-15和F-16和F-18战斗机,又或者是矢量发动的喷气战斗机,所有的飞机都能使我父亲的热情闪烁 -- 一个让我来跟大家分享的热情。当我还是个小女孩,我记得我和父亲在暑假里全神贯注的看着飞机在赛场上飞过时,父亲跟我说了许多关于这些了不起的科技。我们两个在那几个周末里通常要往返当地的航展好几次,只是为了确保不要错过一场表演。当我进入大学的时候,我对物理学和飞行的空气动力越来越有兴趣,致使我最终攻读了机械工程学位。虽然在我童年的时候,通过跟父亲的探讨我了解了许多关于喷气机和飞机的知识,但是我却发现我真正的兴趣所在并不仅仅停留于机械工程上面,而是延伸到对可以影响世界的知识产权法的渴求上了。


在校期间我的目标不断的发展,我发现机械工程不再满足我所有的愿望。反而我一直培养自己的沟通技能,批判思维和想象力才似乎更适合于我的人际关系领域。一位教授认为我应该研究发明法,而当一位演讲人来到我们的高级设计课讨论他作为一名知识产权律师的生涯时,我知道了这才是我的理想职业。作为一名知识产权律师,我有机会在不同的法律部门做出影响,同时也使我对工业和机械工程的兴趣更进一步得到发展,-- 在接受了广泛的法律理论基础和发明法后。
