Some say that mankind is complex beyond comprehension. I cannot, of course, speak for every other individual on this earth, but I do not believe that I am a very difficult person to understand. My life is based upon two very simple, sweeping philosophies: pragmatism in actions and idealism in thought. Thus, with these two attitudes, I characterize myself.
Pragmatism in actions. I believe utterly in one of those old cliches: we are given only a limited time upon this earth and every moment wasted is lost forever. Therefore, I do not engage in those things that I view as useless. The next question is obvious. What do I view as useless? In reality, perhaps too many things and definitely too many to address in one essay. However, I can indulge in the discussion of a few. Hate is a wasted emotion. Hate accomplishes nothing. It does not relieve hunger. It does not alleviate pain. It creates only avoidable aggression. I do not believe in any kind of hate, including prejudice and racism. My energies and time can be better spent elsewhere. Anger too. What does anger do? Nothing. It frustrates us and aggravates us, and we can avoid it. Being frustrated is not a pleasing experience for me. When I was young, or rather, when I was younger than I am now, I would explode at the smallest disturbances (I'm sorry mom and dad). Now, I have realized that anger is a waste of time, and I no longer have a temper to lose. I would much rather wallow in happiness. And in my happiness, I do not worry much over my image in the eyes of others. The important word here is much, for there are opinions of certain individuals about which I do care a great deal, but these are few. They include my family, my close friends, and those who possess the power to affect my life significantly (for example, university admissions officers). Otherwise, I pay no attention to whispers behind my back or vague rumors circulating in the air above. As long as I know the truth, however harsh it may be, and those that I care about know the truth, I am not troubled. The masses may think as they wish. They are entitled. As can probably be observed from this essay thus far, my outlook on life saves me more than a bit of stress. I hate no one, I am never angry, and I really don't care what most other people believe. It is quite a calming experience. Have no fear though, stress pierces my existence from many other venues.
And now for the other half of my personality. I am a hardcore idealist (and very naive). I believe that I can change the world, and I intend to. Either one man at a time, or a generation at a time, I will leave my stamp emblazoned upon humanity. I maintain that there lies in man the ability to accomplish anything and everything. Nothing is impossible. But before changing the world, we must learn to change ourselves. And here enters another one of my theories. There are two stages in resolving a problem, and they are both equally important. First, the problem must be identified and recognized. Then, the solution may be found. I know that my profound theory sounds ridiculous and obvious, but many people never even pass the first level. They know something is wrong and they complain, but they do not take the time to divine the source of their troubles. If only they would open their eyes a bit and look around, they might find that the key to their dilemma was actually quite simple. Then again, the answer might be more difficult than the problem itself. Admitting the existence of a problem becomes even more difficult when the issue concerns the self. I am continually striving to improve myself, constantly seeking perfection. I sometimes ask others to critique my personality and my actions and reveal what they regard as my flaws. Then, I can better evaluate myself with their more objective views. After that, the process is not complicated. I identify those areas that I am not completely satisfied with and determine some means to rectify the condition. So far, I have not had many difficulties with this fix-it-yourself, or rather, this fix-yourself-yourself system. This self-improvement has given me self-confidence as well as an optimistic attitude on living. By demonstrating to myself that I alone can change the many aspects of my persona, I have led myself to believe that all aspects of life can be altered as well. All that is required is a bit of will (and some intelligence helps too). I believe the will of man is the greatest driving force in our lives.
So there it is. My entire mentality has been reduced to a two page essay. Here and there it's a bit foolish, but it is what I live by (until, of course, I find better philosophies). Others may accept it or reject it, but I don't mind much either way as long as it works for me.
现在,我另一半的性格,我是一个赤裸裸的理想主义者。我相信我可以改变这个世界并且我正在努力。在一个时刻的任意一个人,或者一代人,我将要在人类的历史上留下我的印记。我主张把它留在人类去完成任何事情和每件事情的能力上。没有事情是不可能的。但是在我改变这个世界以前,我必须学会去改变自己。我的理论是从这里进入的。在解决一个问题,这里有两个阶段,他们同样是很重要的。首先,这个问题必须加以确认和承认. 然后,找到解决办法. 我知道我的理论听起来荒谬的和明显的,但是许多人甚至都没有通过第一个步。 他们知道某事是错误的,而且他们控诉,但是他们不花时间去探究他们的来源。但愿他们会打开他们的眼睛四处看看,他们可能找到他们困境的关键,实际上相当简单。于是,答案可能比问题本身更困难。 当问题与自己有关的时候,承认问题的存在变成更困难。我正在不断地努力改善我自己,不变地寻求完美。 我有时要求其他人批评我的个性和我的行动,这些显示他们关心我的缺点。 然后, 我能更好以他们的较多客观的观点评估我自己。之后,过程并不复杂. 我识别那些我不完全被满意的区域而且决定一些方法起改善状况。 到现在为止,我还没有在这一固定方面有许多困难,这一定位是自己解决自己。这一个自我改善已经在生活上给我自信和乐观的态度。 这个可以证明我能独自地改变我的许多方面,我已经引导我自己相信生活的所有方面也会被改变的很好。这些是需要意志的。 (一些智力也会帮助) 我相信人类的意志是我们的生活中最好的驱动力。