I must have raised a few eyebrows back in sixth grade when I chose Peter Jennings as my subject for a portrait. A few of my elementary school classmates certainly found it strange that my favorite television program was “20/20.” Ever since I was a young child, I have had a passion for current events and world politics. As a college undergraduate, I chose to major in political science. While at school, I also discovered a powerful love of foreign languages and cultures. The desire to incorporate all of my academic interests has convinced me to pursue a graduate degree in international relations.
My undergraduate education included a semester working as an intern at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. At first, the experience was nerve-racking. Everybody spoke very quickly, and I began to doubt my French skills. I was constantly wondering whether I had heard somebody correctly or said what I had meant to. Worst of all, it seemed that all of the other interns spoke in perfect, fluent French. I remember leaving at the end of my first day, relieved that I had survived and unsure about what I had gotten myself into. Despite a few difficult days at the outset, however, I now consider my internship to be one of my most valuable educational experiences.
When I first started my internship, I was not sure exactly why I had taken the job. Certainly, it would look nice on a resume and make a good reference, but I didn’t think that I would ever need to know that much about France. Yet although I did learn a great deal about the role of the diplomatic community and the national interests of France, I learned even more about myself. The experience gave me a solid link between my academic interests and my professional future. I managed to set long-term goals for the internship and succeeded in achieving them.
Within the first week, I knew that I wanted to do more than just answer the telephones and reply to mail -- the usual duties of an intern. Gradually I began to take on more responsibilities, and I eventually became a regular contributor to News from France, the embassy’s newsletter. Also, I worked with the director of the press and the communication office on special projects. Through these experiences I learned much about the professionalism and dedication it takes to work in a place where everyone has different views and opinions but all work towards a common goal. At the end of my internship, I had a better understanding of the opportunities available to me and a greater enthusiasm for a career in international relations.
The time that I spent at the French embassy shaped my academic and professional goals. I now believe that a career in international relations will place me in a field that is both challenging and exciting. There are no easy answers to many of the problems that arise between nations, but it will be fulfilling to work towards new solutions. Combined with my interests and experiences, I believe that a graduate degree in international relations will prepare me extremely well to pursue my professional goals. I hope to achieve a better understanding of the problems facing the United States and of potential foreign policy solutions. Studying these issues further will be a significant step in the journey that I began when I first flipped on the news as a child.
本文从结果上来看分为三大部分,第一部分表明自己的意图,介绍了自己兴趣的由来。第二部分(包括第2, 3, 4 段)开始写实,介绍自己在法国大使馆实习阶段的经历,体现了自己的法语由生疏到熟练、由不自信到自信的过程。接着委婉的点出学习了大量的关于外交团体和法国国家利益的方面的知识,并且通过这段实习经历建立了长期的目标。然后是细节描写,主要描写作者在实习过程中的进步,进一步促进了自己的职业目标。第三部分表明了自己的立场和决心,以及选择这个项目将给自己带来的帮助。
在六年级的时候,当我选择Peter Jenning作肖像模特时,肯定令很多人大跌眼镜。当我的小学同学发现我最喜欢的电视节目是“20/20”的时候,他们都感到惊讶不已。在我还是一个年轻的孩子的时候,我就已经对当前时事和世界政治非常的感兴趣了。作为一名大学生,我选择了主修政治学。在学习的过程中,我也发觉自己对国外的语言和文学产生了强烈的热爱之情。这个愿望合并了我所有的学术兴趣,我确信要继续从事一个关于国际关系的研究生学位。