[What one person has had the most significant influence on your life?]
Throughout my life, I have had to face few outward travails. On the surface, everything comes easy to me. I have never gone hungry or had any physical challenges. And yet, I have had to overcome many inner obstacles over the years. I have a strong sense of purpose and a morality which binds me rigidly. But, at the same time, I admit that I was born a coward. It has taken years of effort and endurance, goaded by my sense of right and wrong, for me to reach where I am today. And over the years, there have been times where my future character was decided in a conflict between fear and morality.
When I was ten, I was on a swim team which included an eighteen-year-old boy with Down's Syndrome. Because of his slurred speech and other physical handicaps, he was never really an accepted member of the team. At first, his size and physical traits made me afraid of him. But I spoke with my father, and he explained the other boy's problem. It was then I decided to befriend the boy. With time, we became good friends. Surprisingly enough, I found myself in the position of the older boy: putting up with his "childish" antics, tying his shoelaces, and teaching him games.
Half a year went by and we were eventually moved up to the next level, practice times were changed. Unfortunately, on the very first day, there was trouble. The older boys (aged twelve to fifteen) began to make fun of my friend. Although he was physically stronger than the others, my peaceful friend did not know how to deal with the verbal abuse. I was upset but I was also afraid of the older boys. But then, the mocking became physical and my anger overcame my fear. In a heat of rage belying my ten years and frail body, I jumped onto a bench, yelling back. Moments later, I found myself in a hopeless fight against an older boy.
The fight would seal any hopes I had of making myself accepted. Nevertheless, thinking back, the incident still brings tears to my eyes. For a split moment, when he rushed in to save me, I looked into my friend's eyes. And within, I saw something which cannot be fully described in words. It was neither outright gratitude nor a mocking "You shouldn't have done that." But for the first time, I truly understood exactly what he wanted to say.
文章采用了回忆式的故事结构, 作者描述了其一生很顺利,没有经历过大苦大难。在10岁的时候,遇到了一个被人排挤的患抑郁症的小男孩,最终通过自己的努力与他做了朋友。文章在选材上还不错,但是整篇文章在字数上不够长,所以在内容上显得有点空乏。在许多地方并没有描述的很清晰,整篇文章给人感觉不知道作者真正想表现出什么。
这场斗争某种程度上是因为我想得到我朋友的肯定。虽然回想起来我还是禁不住有些 感动,他瞬间冲过去保护我,我看着他的眼睛,看到了一些无法用言语形容的东西。不完全是感恩或者责备“你不该那么做”。但是,第一次,我真正明白了他想要说什么。