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文书点评:U of Penn本科申请命题Essay

2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学

Wisdom-The Definition of [name]

Reflection. The image was one of kindness, warmth, love. The silver lines of her hair shimmered in the sunlight, and the pale wrinkled cheeks smoothed when she smiled. I sat there beaming at her. She sat there smiling at me. Life was simple.

"Beep, Beep, Beep" the machine interrupted. It commanded my attention. Sitting at the side of the bed, my eyes became alert once more, glancing at my grandmother. "Why did this have to happen now? She was recovering from lung cancer. Now, hepatitis too?"

Glancing at her hands made me reminisce. Hands that had helped me to reach the ice cream sandwiches my tiny fingers couldn't quite grasp. Hands that had knitted my doll's clothes, my baby blanket, my bright tri-colored scarves. Hands that had come together in prayer at my grandfather's funeral. How many times had I held those hands? I saw the ring in her finger. I remembered the scene earlier, when she had tried to give me the ring, telling me to take it when she passed away. At that time I could see the frightened child in her. She was not ready.

I had been so busy over the years placing urgent over important. I thought of all those letters unwritten, phone calls unmade, and visits forgotten, while I was stressing about tennis matches, homework, and friends. Everything was so trivial.

Looking at her face, I saw the resemblance to my own mother. Imagine the hurt my mom must be going through. Losing a mother is one of the greatest pains in the world, a knife wound to the heart. I remembered the stories of my mother as a child, always asking the unanswerable question and dreaming to be the successful professional. Those were similar to the stories I had also heard about myself. How I longed to hear another story. Reaching out my hand to touch her forehead, I saw her eyelids flutter open, revealing mocha coffee colored eyes that held warmth, sprinkled with sweet love. "Still sharp,” I thought to myself.

"We were wrong,” the doctors said. All three came into the room to apologize, too happy to be ashamed. "The result turned out to be negative. You don't have. . . ." The man's voice was interrupted by clapping. My grandmother sat there smiling like a young puppy.

Her Comments by Admissions Officers who assisted in the Creation of this Course

Well written, nice use of language-but it doesn't say much of anything!

This is sweet, but I don't know quite what to make of it.

This is rather sentimental and trite, and doesn't tell me a great deal about what the author would contribute to the class. However, it is well-written, and I do get the impression that the author would be a pleasant person. The essay would not have a lot of influence, either positive or negative, on my ultimate decision.



















