[Prompt: We all experience "defining moments,” significant events that can have a major impact on our lives. Briefly describe such an event and how it affected you.]
Bunks, ladders, tables, and a large dusty fan cluttered the tiny train compartment. Though I had hardly expected the velvet luxury of bygone days, the stained, dull brown wallpaper and filthy windows oppressed my spirit. My travel agent had assured me that I would have my own compartment, but five equally confused travel companions soon joined me: a hairdresser from Norway, a schoolteacher from Hawaii, a veterinarian from Beijing, and the veterinarian’s two cats. I am allergic to cats. I had dreamt of traveling the Trans-Siberian ever since I was a child: at home, the name had rung with mystery and romance. On board, uncomfortable, disappointed, and sneezing, I only wanted to go home.
During the three-week gap between graduation and my first day of work, I decided to fulfill my childhood dream of traveling the full length of the longest railway line in the world: the Trans-Siberian Railway. It was my first true travel adventure, and it changed my outlook dramatically.
Traveling 8,000 kilometers in cramped conditions over seven long days and nights, I came to know my travel companions well. As I experienced their unique perspectives and different customs in extremely close quarters, I also noticed that we could laugh together and see the same stark beauty in the icy tundra. I realized that despite differences of dress and language, of political and religious beliefs, all of the world’s people are essentially similar. We all have common urges and concerns; we all yearn for the same goals and experience the same joys and sorrows. Those who patronize other people, demonize those they disagree with, or disregard foreign cultures as primitive have come to seem foolish. My journey on the Trans-Siberian railway was an uncomfortable yet invaluable experience, as I traveled across the world I was only beginning to understand.
在写命题文章的时候,一定要弄懂题目的要求,想明白出题者要的是什么。就像在这篇文章当中,题目的重点就是“major impact”。描写的事情本身不是最重要的,重要的是作者从中真正体会的东西,把自己对于这件事情的看法写出来。