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2013年02月21日来源:美国留学网作者: 万佳留学

I intend to receive a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational psychology and I am interested in Central Michigan University because it offers applied practice through field experience and organizational internships. I have been told by many professionals that Central Michigan has excellent faculty and research facilities, as well as, provides a very thorough and effective foundation for work in the field. I intend to pursue a career in applied research and organizational consulting, therefore, these qualities are imperative to myself and my career.

Initially I plan to gain practical experience in the field through employment with a consulting firm. My long range objective is to acquire a teaching position with a college or university, while continuing research and consulting endeavors. It is my intention to contribute empirically based findings to the Industrial/Organizational psychology field through my research and practice. I also hope to be a strong influence and encouragement in students' lives through my contact with them during their academic careers.

I have acquired many skills through relevant work experience. Currently, I coordinate the National Annual Fund Telephone Campaign for the University of Northern Iowa, with a goal of raising $355,000 for the university. This job provides me with very useful experience in human resource and managerial processes, such as interviewing, hiring, training, performance appraisals, and motivation. Managing 40 telemarketers who get paid a base salary and no commission makes the use of proper motivational techniques vital.

Human resource internships have provided me with experience in completing physical job analyses and the development of Affirmative Action Plans. Knowledge was also gained in the following areas: (a) human resource audits and benchmarking, (b) work/family issues and training programs, and (c) auditing human resource practices for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

I have developed effective leadership skills through active participation in student organizations. During my three year membership in the Psychology Club, I have held several leadership positions including treasurer, vice-president, and conference co-chair. I have also been highly involved with he student Society for Human Resource Management and was elected as the public relations representative. I was the international service chair and the individual community service chair for Rotaract, a student affiliate group of Rotary. I also initiated and organized the club's Adopt-a-Highway program.

I received many honors during my undergraduate years at the University of Northern Iowa. I graduated with highest honors and as a member of the following honor societies: Omicron Delta Kappa, Psi Chi, Phi Eta Sigma, and Tomahawk. I was also the recipient of the following scholarships: Merrill J. Oster, J.S. Latta, Jr., Robert and Ruth Hill Memorial, and Irene Thompson. I was a Social and Behavioral Sciences scholar for four years and a member of the Dean's List for nine semesters.

I believe my qualifications, determination, and dedication indicate I will be successful as a graduate student and as an Industrial/Organizational psychologist. I consider the knowledge, experiences, and opportunities that are associated with the earning of the Ph.D. valuable and I am prepared to invest myself, my time, and my energies toward the earning of the degree.
