范例2.1 提要
大学毕业,在政府的交通主管部门工作六七年, 有比较丰富的工作经验获得了著名的宾夕法尼亚大学的硕士录取,没有奖学金,全自费,一年三万八千美元
宾大是一个著名的大学,这个学位也是独特的学位, 在世界上很有名气,非常值得花这笔钱钱确实非常多,但值得投资因为学校的名气和项目的名气,学完后对自己有价值百万的前途强调自己的明确的学习目的:学成回国赚钱进一步论证自己为什么回来:在国内的地位,经济能力,老公的地位但宾大学历依然是要的,因为这个学历将给我无与伦比的竞争优势,无限美好的事业前景
范例2.1 原文
Dear Visa Officer:
My application for a student visa was rejected by your officer. The reason was, according to the visa officer who rejected me "(because that I will spend $38,000 at University of Pennsylvania) I believe that your parents will live under great pressure, I believe your study in America will not be easy, and I believe you will not come back."
I have to say that the visa officer at the interview was very nice to me even though he did reject my visa application. I understand and appreciate the visa officer's consideration to my situation, however, I do believe that the visa officer had not considered my whole background of my application before he brought up his above three concerns. Therefore I would like to file this argument and hope you can give me a second chance.
1. The school that gave me the admission is NO ordinary school. It is the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League school and only one out of ten international applicants was able to receive the honor of being admitted. However, the real and the most important reason for me to choose this school is not just because of its general reputation, but is for a very unique program that exactly fits into my professional and academic expertise.
With the worldwide distinction, the program at U. of Penn is "Transportation Systems and Multi-Model Transport Network". It studies the complexity of transportation systems and the method to organize the systems effectively. The aim of the program is to educate people for leadership roles in the transportation industry and government. In my case, what I am going to focus on my research and the graduate thesis in this program will be on the specific problems of Chinese TRANSPORTATION NET WORKS. The value of my study has a multi-billion dollar worth to China's developing economy because transportation is such a messy business and so much studies need to be done to its huge problems.
The program will guarantee my greatest possible potential in my field of business. No investment is better than the investment into one's education, particularly when it comes to University of Pennsylvania and when it comes to such a distinguished program! The money for the school is BIG, but the value of the program is BIGGER!
2. $38,000 is a lot of money and in fact, it could be the amount that an average Chinese worker can not earn in tens of years. However, it is also known that there are several million millionaires in China at this time. I am not a millionaire yet but a U of Penn degree will definitely help me in achieving that goal in a shortest possible time. My experience in my field and the prestigious from the U. of Penn background will guarantee my goal. I could afford the $38,000 dollars even though it is a big pressure to me and to my family. However, if $38,000 can guarantee you a great future, a future with million dollars, would you go ahead to invest on it ? YOU WOULD. I WOULD.
3. Having worked as the division manager (supervising 30 people) in China National & International Transportation Corporation (CNTRANS), China's largest transportation company, I feel that an American degree will be a golden finger to my rich experience. And I WILL be successful to develop my own business back in China with a Degree from U of Penn. That is the only reason why I would spend so much money for this program. $38,000 is a big money to me and to my family, however, compare with the money future after the degree this investment is only a small down payment! Rich or poor, I do can afford it and I do want to invest it!
Why I bother to make so much effort for the whole thing? As a division manager at CNTRANS, I am making a very good living here and enjoying my own apartment, car privilege and many other corporate benefits. I have a beautiful family and my husband works in the same company and his status in the company is even higher than mine. Our life in China is very good it will be better particularly when I finish my U. of Penn's unique program and return to China. Combining what I will have learned from the U of Penn's program with my business contacts and experiences I have accumulated at SINOTRANS, my career will take a great leap forward in the transportation industry that I have committed six years of my youth. The program that will cost me $38,000 at the University of Pennsylvania will give me a competitive advantage that nobody else in China can possibly match.
Again, I know that your visa officer did not suspect my intention for study in the United States but worried about my money problem. This problem is not a problem because of the above statement. I sincerely hope that you will reconsider my situation and grant the student visa for me to attend the University of Pennsylvania in the United States.
Your consideration and time are greatly appreciated.